If Publisher! will be responsible for serving the Digital Ads through its own ad servers, then Publisher will track delivery of the Digital Ads through such servers. Advertisements will be served in accordance with one of the following options:ģ.1.
#Poughkeepsie journal want ads license#
Advertiser grants to Publisher a license to (a) display Advertiser's Ads on the Distribution Network and (b) modify, copy, reformat, transmit and otherwise manipulate the Ads in connection with such display. Advertiser will submit the Ad(s) in accordance with the applicable Publisher policies in effect from time to time, including policies regarding artwork specifications, format and submission deadlinesģ. Submission of Advertising Materials.Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties in writing, Advertiser will provide all creative services and necessary text, data, images, illustrations or graphics and/or other materials with respect to the Ads(s). Changes to any Ads after first publication may result in additional charges, which will be disclosed to Advertiser in advance.Ģ.2. Advertiser shall pay all expenses connected with the delivery of the Ad(s) to Publisher. Advertiser shall have the right to change any Ads(s) after submission, provided that it submits any such changes to Publisher no later than Publisher's standard deadline (as designated by Publisher). Advertiser will provide Publisher all applicable Ads by Publisher's standard deadline (as designated by Publisher), in a format suitable for display in the Newspaper(s) or on the applicable Digital Property(ies), as applicable, via a transmission method mutually agreed upon by the parties. If Advertiser does not elect to discontinue display of the applicable Ads, then, following the expiration of the notice period, all Ads shall be billed at Publisher's increased rates.Ģ.1. Advertiser's right to discontinue the display of its Ads shall be its sole and exclusive remedy in the event of a rate increase. If Advertiser objects to any such increase, it shall have the option to discontinue display of the applicable Ads by giving written notice to Publisher prior to the effective date of such changes. Publisher will provide Advertiser with at least 30 days' prior written notice of any rate increase. Publisher reserves the right to modify its rate card, including increasing its Standard Rates, at any time and from time to time. The rate card, including any terms and conditions in such rate card, are hereby incorporated into this Agreement by reference, provided that in the event of a conflict between any terms or conditions in the rate card and the terms of this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement will control. Advertiser acknowledges that it has been provided a copy of Publisher's standard rate card. Unless otherwise specified in Advertising Commitment in connection with a Commitment from Advertiser, Advertiser's purchase of Ads for display in the Newspapers, on the Digital Properties will be billed at Publisher's Standard Rates. If Advertiser is purchasing( i ) print advertising ( "Print Ads" ) for display in Publisher 's newspaper property(ies) (each a "Newspaper"), or (ii) online display advertising ( "Digital Ads" and collectively with Print Ads, "Ads") for distribution on Publisher's digital media property(ies)(e.g., Publisher 's website(s), Publisher's tablet or mobile applications, digital display ads associated with the eNewspaper of Publisher 's newspaper, etc.) specified in the applicable Order (each a "Digital Property"), then the additional terms and conditions set forth in this Addendum A and Addendum C will apply to each Order submitted for such Advertising Services.ġ.
#Poughkeepsie journal want ads full#
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